WORSHIP is at the core of who we are as God’s people at First Presbyterian in Muskegon. Each Sunday, we gather to worship God, listen for God’s Word for us, and be sent out into the world to serve. Our active mission efforts are part of our worship.
Worship Services

Worship at First Presbyterian Church begins at 10:00 a.m. each Sunday. We sing a mix of traditional hymns and contemporary worship music, and our services often include creative elements like drama and artwork. Each and every week we pray, read scripture, and learn more about God’s Good News.
We celebrate communion roughly once a month, and anyone who is “hungry for grace” is welcome to come to the table. (All our communion bread is gluten free, and we serve grape juice instead of wine.) This year we’re celebrating communion on holy days like Pentecost and Easter.
In months without holy days, we take communion on the first Sunday of the month.
After worship, we gather in the chapel for a time of friendship, coffee, and treats.
Our Sunday morning worship is a place for believers of every age and ability. Ask an usher for children’s activity bags for your little ones, and feel free to bring your knitting project or a drawing pad if that would be worshipful for you. Our nursery is currently unstaffed, but it is always available as a wiggle room.
We hope to worship with you soon!