Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord.
Ephesians 5:19
The mission of FPC Muskegon’s Music Ministry is to enhance worship by providing Spirit-empowered music in diverse styles to communicate meaningfully to our entire community. We are deeply committed to welcoming members and friends of all musical interests and abilities, and to creating worshipful, inspirational music experiences for participants and listeners alike.
FFPC Muskegon’s Music Ministry features two standing ensembles: the Combo, a contemporary ensemble directed by Combo Director/Worship Music Leader Melody Pollard, and the Chancel Choir, led by Music/Choir Director, Roxanne Deibel. These ensembles contribute to our worship services by providing music in a broad range of styles that reflects the varied expressions that are relevant to FPC members and friends. In addition, several small groups such as brass, vocal, and mixed ensembles provide expanded opportunities to participate in worship.

Contemporary Combo. The Combo is directed by Melody Pollard. It consists of a varying collection of talented musicians joining together to provide contemporary Christian vocal and instrumental music. The Combo shares its offerings in worship on two or more Sundays per month, and their rehearsals are arranged to suit musicians’ schedules. This ensemble may include piano, vocals, strings, guitar, bass, flute, trumpet, and a number of other instruments, and provides an opportunity for musical members and friends of FPC to participate in worship music on an as-available basis.
Chancel Choir. The Chancel Choir, directed by Roxanne Deibel, presents both contemporary and traditional choral music of a great range of styles, including gospel, baroque, traditional, Celtic, and current Christian worship music. This ensemble rehearses three times monthly and presents music in worship on two or more Sundays each month. The Chancel Choir welcomes singers of all backgrounds and levels of experience, and focuses on helping all singers have FUN using their instruments to make prayerful contributions to worship. Please contact Roxanne if you’re interested in becoming part of the choir by calling the church at 231-759-1275 or e-mailing

FPC’s Music Resources. FPC Muskegon has a long history of supporting its music program through the thoughtful acquisition of high-quality musical instruments as well as digital and printed music materials. These resources include:
- Casavant Frere pipe organ. This beautiful 972-pipe instrument features 18 ranks, 2 manuals, 3 divisions, 14 stops, and 20 registers.
- 5-octave Malmark Handbell set
- 8-piece Sonor Primary Line Orff Instrument set
- Congregational handbells
- Music library of over 1,000 titles in a broad range of music genres