First Presbyterian Church’s Memorial Garden provides a place for the interment of ashes after cremation. A secluded garden courtyard is adjacent to the chapel and is enclosed on three sides by the church walls and a garden wall on the other.
Small planting areas add beauty within the courtyard, and a dogwood tree marks the location where the ashes are buried.
Interment here is available to all, including but not limited to, members of First Presbyterian, their familes, and friends.
If desired a bronze plaque engraved with the name, year of birth and death may be affixed to the courtyard wall in memory of the person whose ashes are buried.
A memorial courtyard fund provides continued beautification, care, and maintenance of the courtyard and surrounding church grounds and buildings. We request a gift to this fund for each interment, but we have chosen not to set a minimum amount, so that no one is denied the opportunity to use the courtyard. Gifts may be made at the time of burial. Make checks payable to First Presbyterian Church and please note on the check “Memorial Garden Fund.”