Our Elders
Elders are elected by the congregation. Together with the pastor, they exercise leadership, government, and discipline and have responsibilities for the life of the congregation as well as the Church at large, including ecumenical relationships. They serve faithfully as members of the Session (our church’s governing board). It is the duty of Elders to strengthen and nurture the faith and life of the congregation.
This year’s session of Elders include:
NAME | COUNCIL *Denotes Moderator |
Bob Bengston | *Finance; Outreach, Communication & Technology; Personnel |
Suzanne Carl | Mission |
Vella Caruso | Faith Development, Nominating |
Quinn Champion | *Faith Development; Personnel |
Jean Chin | Mission; *Nominating |
Clark Ganson | *Property |
Cammie Hussey | *Mission |
Lee Kleinheksel | *Worship & Arts; Personnel |
Don Olson | Property |
Vic Prowant | *Clerk of Session; *Personnel; Finance |
Kirk Wahamaki | *Outreach, Communication & Technology; Worship & Arts |
All Elders may be contacted by calling the church office at (231) 759-1275 or emailing info@fpcmuskegon.org
Our Deacons
Deacons are elected by the congregation. Together with the pastor, they care for the spiritual, relational, and financial needs of the church by making phone calls, dropping off meals, visiting the sick and homebound, providing emergency financial assistance, and more. Deacons also play a pivotal role in the everyday activities of our life together. They serve as ushers, greeters, and communion servers, and whenever there’s a celebration, they’re the ones who bring the coffee and cake.
Our 2024 Deacons are to be announced.