Crop Walk 2023
What is CROP Walk? It started over 50 years ago when some teens decided to help those with food insecurity in their community and globally, by raising funds for a “walk” for hunger. This year’s event is Sunday, October 1 with walkers going 1 mile or 2.5 miles. If you’re not up to the walk; please consider raising funds for another walker. See Pam Schumaker for a collection envelope and other materials for distribution. They are now offering a way to donate online:
- Go online to the Muskegon CROP Hunger Walk page on the Church World Service website: https://events.crophungerwalk.org/2023/event/muskegonmi
- At the top of the webpage, hover your mouse arrow over the “Donate” tab, and then click on “Make a General Donation” from the choices that appear. A new screen will pop up titled “Donate to CWS.”
- Using the down arrow on your keyboard, scroll down the page and choose from among the donation amounts listed or enter your own amount in the $______ box.
- When asked what Walk you are supporting, type “Muskegon” in the space provided.
- Continue scrolling down the webpage, filling out the required contact and billing information. In the “Personal Note Section,” type in First Presbyterian Church Muskegon. NOTE: Choices of online payment are limited to a credit card or PayPal account.
- When you’ve completed the form, click on the donate button at the bottom of the form.
Thank you for your support!
VBS 2023
As the calendar turns to summer, it is once again for
Vacation Bible School. This year’s theme is
Wilderness Escape: Where God Guides & Provides.
First Presbyterian Church is so excited to offer our VBS from July
10-13th, 5-7 pm. We will be bringing God’s Word through Story
and Song, and Celebrating God’s miraculous Provision. Each of
the four days will focus on the Big Theme of “Trust God” by
following the story of the Israelites’ escape from Egypt, through
the desert wandering – all the way to the Promised Land.

Scan with phone to register.
We need volunteers for the registration table, help shepherding
the kids, meal support and help with crafts and games. Please se
the bulletin board for sign-up sheets for all areas. Please contact
Adam Bell ceanded@fpcmuskegon.org with any questions.
FPC Backpack Bonanza 2023
Saturday, August 19, 2023
The Mission Council, Community Outreach and Education Director, Adam Bell, and
Media Technician, Tom Chester, are sponsoring a backpack drive for school
children in Muskegon County. Henry Flores, president of the Glenside
Neighborhood Association, is also involved in planning.
The Backpack Bonanza is scheduled for Saturday, August 19, 2023, from 10 am to
noon. In addition to backpacks, there will also be school supplies, free haircuts,
outdoor games, and books. Community agencies will be there to provide
information to parents. The police and fire departments are sending liaison
officers and a fire truck!
Clear, labeled tubs in which to place donated backpacks and school supplies for
this community outreach event will be in the main entrance foyer and on the
mission table at the Wickham entrance beginning June 18. Your generosity and
concern for local school children is greatly appreciated.
Here are some tips for choosing a sturdy backpack*:
¨ Choose a backpack with wide, padded shoulder straps.
¨ Look for padding in the back section.
¨ Select a backpack that is lightweight but has sturdy zippers and durable material.
*From “How to Choose and Use a Backpack,” posted by Johns Hopkins Children’s Hospital
October 2022 Pastor’s Corner
“God so loved the world that God gave … “ – John 3:16
Have you thought much lately about the connection of love and giving? When we love someone – really love them – we are able to dig down deep and give time and resources for them in ways we might not have thought possible. I’ve been moved and honored in the past weeks to watch Don Olson and his three girls give so generously of their time and focus and resources to care for Marie as she sought to recover from a number of strokes. Because they loved, they gave.
And that is what our God does for us. Because God loves us, God gave us not just any gift, but the gift of God’s very own Son to come live among us in our joys and our messes. God gave us God’s Son so that we may know what love looks like and be saved in Christ. God so loved us that God gave.
As you know, we are in stewardship season here at First Presbyterian Church in Muskegon. This is a season when we talk a lot about giving and we make decisions about the financial and time resources we will give to this church during the following year. Many of us crunch the numbers of our family finances and say, “OK, how much can I afford to give to the church in 2023?”
Being wise with our resources is important, of course. But, as followers of Christ, we are invited to consider our pledges and resources from a stance of love. The question we may wish to pray about is, “What is God inviting me to give this year?” Our giving is to grow from God’s love within us and from our love for God, Christ’s church and our community. We give because we have been loved and are invited to give back in love in return. We may arrive at the same amount of money and time if we ask, “What can I afford?” but it comes from a different place.
My prayer for each of us is that we will know how deeply we are loved and that we will give to the church and to other organizations doing the work of Christ from a place of generosity – longing to return the love that we have been given so generously.
I’m so honored to be walking with you during these days. As we live into 2023 and get ready to welcome a new pastor – whoever he or she may be – may we continue to be “A Place to Worship. A Place to Belong. A Place to Serve.”
Grace and peace,